Water is the universal solvent, and it has the capability of dissolving just about anything.
Because of this unique property, water can easily become contaminated. Serious contaminates such as Lead and E. Coli Bacteria may be toxins affecting your family’s health. Listed below are the four major testing categories that we can examine when doing a water test.
- Inorganic—Minerals and physical properties Organic—Petroleum products, gasoline, fuel oil, and solvents
- Microbiology—Coliform and other bacteria Radiology—Radon gas Test Options
- Standard Test includes Microbiology and Inorganic.
- Comprehensive Test includes all four testing categories: inorganic, organic, microbiology, and radon. The comprehensive test is good way to start. It is a powerful tool in detecting contaminants commonly found in surface and deep well waters.
- If you are suspicious of pesticides or herbicides, the Comprehensive Plus Pesticides test is recommended. We can also test for individual items such as Lead in Water.